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Day 8: My Spouse


God Thank You for my wife.

God, thank You for my wife. No, seriously—thank You. I know You already know this, but I need to say it anyway. She is a gift I don’t deserve, and yet You blessed me with her. Come to think of it, I should probably tell her as well. Isn’t it amazing how bad we are at giving those closest to us sincere compliments?

Thank You for the way she stands by me, always having my back even when I don’t realize I need it. For the way she covers my mistakes—not to excuse them, but to help me grow through them. Thank You for how she makes me a better person—not just by supporting me, but by challenging me. She is a great mother, wife, and friend.

She calls me out on my junk when I need it, and, Lord, I know I need it more often than I’d like to admit. She loves me enough to be honest, patient enough to help me work through my faults, and strong enough to walk beside me through all of it.

Life hasn’t always been easy. We are married, after all. We have faced the trials and tribulations of life—gone through three miscarriages together. Hopefully, we’ve had only our fair share of arguments, but through it all, love remains. I think a big part of that is because You are there—here, ahead of us, behind us, and in the midst of it all, God.

I know this is a "God thing" because of how we met. I still don’t 100% know why or how I ended up at Greenville College, but Taryn was there. And thankfully, she was smart enough to pursue me because I wasn’t smart enough to pursue her. I’m also pretty sure I wouldn’t have become a pastor so quickly if it weren’t for Greenville College and Taryn. Oh, and Taryn is my wife’s name, by the way.

This has mostly been about Taryn as my spouse, but she is obviously her own person too. She is smart, strong, capable, and incredibly talented. She is a great mom, musician, and human being. Honestly, I’m a little anxious about writing this because I can already hear her saying that I missed something, didn’t say enough about something else, or should have left certain things out. But no matter what, she means the world to me.

Once again, thank You for her love, her wisdom, her laughter, and her faith. Thank You for the ways she reflects Your grace in my life. Help me to love her well, to cherish her as she deserves, and to never take her for granted.

Not everyone is married or has their spouse in their life, but I think this gratitude journal is teaching me that it doesn’t matter. What matters is taking the time to reflect on and share gratitude for the people in our lives. It doesn’t take long. In fact, I feel a little bad about how quickly this took. It seems like I should take more time to write about my love for my wife and my thankfulness to God for her.




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