Today we have another devotional from Taryn Flake. Savor it to the last drop.
Daily Scripture Reading: Luke 1:26-38
As I wake up on these cooler mornings, I find that I crave my morning cup of coffee. As the light is dimmer, the house cooler, I long to sit and savor that cup in the early, quiet hours. However, the reality is that it is usually a rush to get the kids ready for school and a bustle of activity as soon as our alarms awaken us each.
Sometimes, I am so rushed that I don’t even get to finish my coffee before we walk to the bus stop and the dog and I continue for our morning walk. On these days, I turn to the microwave to reheat this morning cup of joe. One morning recently, I put the coffee in the microwave too long and tried to drink it before it had sufficiently cooled. The ending result was a burnt tongue. (Is there anything more painful?) The problem was, I didn’t take time to savor my coffee. I didn’t take time from the brew to drinking to enjoy the quiet, peace, and stillness of the morning.
I wonder if Mary savored her calling to be the mother to the Messiah. In today’s passage, she learns that she will become pregnant by the Holy Spirit. When I think back to my pregnancies, it was easy to get caught up in the planning and preparation for the baby. Knowing that we don’t plan to have another baby, I wished I had taken more time to savor and enjoy being pregnant and feeling the baby move inside me.
I also think this coffee analogy/Mary’s calling passage is relevant to our spiritual lives as well. God wants us to sit and savor being in His presence and at His feet. However, many times we are rushed about the everydayness of our lives, that our devotional time is just one more item on our to-do list. During this Advent season, my prayer for you to be able to savor the season. Don’t get all caught up in the lights, decorations, parties, carols, and shopping. I challenge you to savor our Savior’s birth and what it meant for God to send His only Son to earth to save the world.
Dear Lord, please let us feel what it means to savor being in your presence. Allow us to savor the Advent season and reflect on Your gift to the world - Your only Son. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
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